H & HE Series Seals - The H (unpurged) and HE (air-purged) series are the original MECO screw conveyor seals.
- First patented by MECO in 1976, this enduring design is still used extensively for screw conveyor applications.
- These seals tolerate up to ¼" of diametric runout.
- HE seals incorporate a body block which permits an air purge to be introduced between the two seal faces, creating a
more durable seal.
- Additional benefits of MECO's H & HE Series seals include: replacement of standard waste pack seals, elimination of
fretting and other packing oriented shaft damage, tolerance to high shaft runout, easy configuration for unpurged or air
purged operation, FDA-approved materials for food and pharmaceutical service, easy mounting beneath standard 4-bolt flange
bearings, and is available in six C.E.M.A. standard shaft sizes from 1" to 3 7/16".